Octarock How to Get into Streaming 101

Hi, You Like to get in streaming or all ready streaming but would like to know all of Octarock tricks and tips well this is the page for you. First of all, why is Octarock even doing this well streaming is for everyone and we should all help each other Octarock has over 10+ years of streaming experience and knowledge and has helped over 80+ people get into streaming/help people that all ready streaming from everything you find on this page so let start.

This Page has many parts to U do not need to follow in the order I name it 101 as it sounds good but u can start any were this page is full of all stuff try and test over the many many years of streaming an i now pass on to you as streaming no matter what platform its for everyone

To start with streaming I recommend using https://obsproject.com/ with https://streamelements.com/

Now the reason Octarock use https://streamlabs.com/ is due to be a founder member and will all the custom stuff u find how to make on this page and other part pages u understand it takes months to move everything to obs and reset up.

Octarock has left a little clip to show what he means by a ton of stuff 100s of hours of work.

Part One Starting Your Look

Octarock put a lot of work in when comes to streaming as u can see from the video above so were to start well you need to have a overlay a pannels so people can know who you are Octarock has done the hard work for u and has made 2 link with max panel size for twitch and the size for you screen on this site

First, use this link to sign up to the site I use for over 5+ years now an only in start of 2022 I now parnted with the site https://partner.canva.com/Octarock

Your Panel Size https://www.canva.com/design/DAE0PXrQyVg/8WrnCnRm3jirbTFzEvwg9A/view?utm_content=DAE0PXrQyVg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton&mode=preview

Your screen/overlay size https://www.canva.com/design/DAE0PdIUQMc/yLmvFdK0KTSYM3PRWFKJSg/view?utm_content=DAE0PdIUQMc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton&mode=preview

Now, what is Canva well canvas is a site that lets well make epic stuff for your stream for free this video will help get started with the site for streaming enjoy the video by Jempanada I love supporting others and pass on my tips to them as u see a lot of helpful video on this page.

or check this video by Terrestrial Plays

Also, there is A playlist by my good buddy DrHeals We raid him many times on stream and was told him what working on he told oh I made a playlist with canva and told him I add to the page as well.

Also here is a set of stuff I made and found that u can use for your webcam


This Page is w.i.p so not all is ready as it take time for octarock to get his words right an mind in a good space if u come this page an still be work on octarock hope have done over next couple week check up with him on stream to find how it going thanks.