Penguins for Jaz is a Dec Holiday Charity stream for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital That happens each Dec In Memory of Jaz. Host by Octarock on Twitch. (This is From Her husband Rev) Jaz was a great woman, a great mother, a great wife, and a friend. She truly cared about people, their health, well-being, and salvation. Being able to help others was one of her passions. She truly loved sharing what she had learned and sharing the joy. It’s one of the things she loved about Christmas.
First off want thank these people at start month i was use Tiltify for the donations but due the site not let every donate that want to and the site start make me feel uneasy I move the rest month to Twitch BUT still Want Thank those who did donate and reason goal on Twitch At $445.
As you know we try raised $500 each year so thanks to these people before change we raised $55.

So thanks So so much let make to full $500 by well going say end month but due change I going keep going till I hit day 2000 on twitch and kick off that stream i end the Campaign for this year so u got 34 days to go. Hugs all thanks for reading this update part,
from Rev. Jaz husband
Jaz was a great woman, a great mother, a great wife, and a friend. She truly cared about people, their health, well-being, and salvation. Being able to help others was one of her passions. She truly loved to share what she had learned and share the joy. It’s one of the things she loved about Christmas. It was a time of sharing joy with others. One of our favorite things was to go around the neighborhoods at Christmas time to see the lights and decorations. Gaming for her was all about community, it was a way for her to reach others who she may never have met. She was quick to make connections with people. She loved to be able to talk with them and encourage them while being able to have fun together. I miss her greatly and I know she will be missed by many.

Thanks for reading this year it be our 4th year of Penguin For Jaz!!
Info video
So what are we up to so there are many thing we be doing from me trying make a penguin mech out Lego to playing Stardew Valley with my mods an viewer with as many as we can get in world to working more on our Christmas build in Minecraft we got a ginger Bread Bear house work shop to build and other Christmas thing and also have fun with every one on the origin realms server we also got some Genshin impact to play so check out this months game list.

Also there are some Milestones this year here the are
New animated emote Community Vote (made by Kinla) | $100.00 | |
Penguin Take over Minecraft resource pack | $200.00 | |
Community Vote for new Stream Plushy to purchase | $300.00 | |
Community Vote for new Stream Onesie to purchase | $400.00 | |
Community Vote On Cooking streaming What to cook | $500.00 |
To Summited idea to then be vote on join my discord there channels all setup for it
Hope to see you there for day one of set up the XMAS Box tree ( we lost our black xmas tree this year due in march had flooding and rat infestion in my streaming room in shead so alot had be trash but will not stop us going tape a little tree to a talk box and cove it.)
Link to where to Donate.
https://www.twitch.tv/octarock right on twitch just click donate above chat